Our Vision and Values
Laurel House hopes to be a comfort care home that is the first choice for families of Wayne County, NY who need help in caring for a dying loved one. We will have a reputation as a welcoming, supportive environment for everyone who comes through our door. A place where volunteers are valued and succeed in providing an unequaled community service to their friends and neighbors. A community resource that compliments its neighborhood and contributes to a higher quality of life in the county. An opportunity for residents and caregivers alike to share in completing a life well-lived. A place of final departure that eases a loved-one to the ultimate end, supporting caring family and friends along the way.
Our Story
Laurel House is a not-for-profit volunteer community organization in Newark, NY, formed with its first meeting on November 7, 2014, and incorporated in May 2015. It has a ten-member board of directors. Current board members include President Gene Palmer, Vice-President Henry Hann, Treasurer Thomas McUmber, Secretary Patrica Albrecht, Thomas Briggs, the Honorable Daniel Barrett, Fredrick O’Toole, Mark Klyczek, Jody Bender, and Judy Seier.
The idea of Laurel House, a volunteer-driven home providing free end-of-life care for Wayne County residents and their families, originated decades ago with Jean Cass, a nurse who watched one of her dear friends succumb to a difficult death from breast cancer. Jean’s passion for a better way to care for the dying brought about the comfort care home, the House of John in Clifton Springs and was the impetus for doing the same in Newark.
How You Can Get Involved
Laurel House depends on the generosity of its volunteers. If you think you might be interested in sharing your time, please consider volunteering. Click on the link below for more information.
In-Kind Donations
You can help by donating the supplies needed for Laurel House to operate. Our online Wish List shows a wide range of items that will help us serve our residents and families. All items should be new (or unused and in excellent condition).
We welcome “in lieu of” gifts. Suggested language related to a funeral or memorial is “In lieu of flowers consider donating to Laurel House, 224 Fair Street Newark NY 14513. Similar language can be used related to birthdays and anniversaries.
While Laurel House Comfort Care provides end-of-life care free of charge, it costs over $200,000 to operate the home. Donations are greatly appreciated! If you would prefer to donate by check, please feel free to send your donations to:
Laurel House
224 Fair Street
Newark, NY 14513

United Way
Our designation number with the United Way of Greater Rochester is 3373.

Wish Lists
Click the button to download the latest list. Thank you!

Amazon Smile
Select Laurel House as your charity of choice at smile.amazon.com.

Donate a Car through Wilberts Auto Parts in Williamson

Leave a Legacy Through the Laurel HOuse
If you want to leave a legacy gift, be sure to work with an experienced and capable advisor to create the proper legal paperwork. For example, consider the following language for a will or trust:
I give [describe gift] to Laurel House, Incorporated (also known as Laurel House), a New York nonprofit public benefit corporation, to be used in such manner as its Board of Directors shall determine. The Laurel House tax identification number is 47-4074620.
If you wish to designate your gift for a particular purpose, we would be happy to discuss options with you.
Every year, Laurel House hosts many events in the community. Explore below to find out about current events and see photos and details from the past.

Become a Volunteer Today
Laurel House depends on the generosity of its volunteers. If you think you might be interested in sharing your time, please consider volunteering. Click on the button below to learn more.
Admission Information
- Diagnosis of terminal illness
- Prognosis of 3 months or less
- Referral made by a Hospice agency: Lifetime Care Hospice, Livingston County Hospice, University of Rochester Medicine Visiting Nurse/ Hospice.
- A MOLST (Medical Orders for Life-sustaining Treatment) or a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order must be in place
Laurel House is unable to manage IV’s, feeding tubes, intramuscular or subcutaneous injections (including insulin), individuals with difficult and/or behavioral needs. Residents must be able to be safely and comfortably cared for by staff and volunteers.
Understand we are staffed primarily by trained volunteers.
There are no financial requirements. Any effort of the resident/family to offset the cost of the care provided is appreciated, but there will be no billing for services.
Unfortunately, Laurel House is unable to accept every person referred. Each referral is evaluated and it is determined if Laurel House is able to provide the level of care needed. Priority is given to those individuals who are unable to receive safe care at home. We make every effort to provide care to those with the greatest need and the fewest options.
Laurel House treats all patients without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, religion, marital status, age, sex, citizenship, sexual orientation, disability or source of payment.