Leave a legacy through Laurel House
Would you like to leave behind a legacy of helping people in need at the ends of their lives?
You can, by leaving a gift to Laurel House through your will, trust, IRA, other retirement plan, life insurance or real estate ownership rights. No matter the approach (gift, bequest, beneficiary naming, ownership rights, etc.) you’ll continue making a difference – even after you’re gone!
Regular folks leave legacy gifts to charities they care about. You don’t have to be Andrew Carnegie or Ross Perot or Ray Kroc.
What amount should you leave to charity?
Think about leaving a percentage. That way, your gift can adjust as your wealth adjusts.
What percentage? That totally depends on your circumstances. For example, if you have children and grandchildren to leave gifts to, leave them a suitable percentage. Just make sure your percentages add up to 100%.
Laurel House gift language
If you want to leave a legacy gift, be sure to work with an experienced and capable advisor to create the proper legal paperwork. For example, consider the following language for a will or trust:
I give [describe gift] to Laurel House, Incorporated (also known as Laurel House), a New York non-profit public benefit corporation, to be used in such manner as its Board of Directors shall determine. The Laurel House tax identification number is 47-4074620.
If you wish to designate your gift for a particular purpose, we would be happy to discuss options with you.

More information
We’ll be glad to provide you more information on this giving opportunity. You can reach us by calling (315) 573-7028 or using our contact us page.